A logo is very important because it is the graph of the mark, be part of corporate identity, a logo is the signature of the company. create a logo is not an easy task to and that each logo represents the company or service is a logo image. and is reflected in any graphic piece such as stationery, a brochure, a poster, in a catalog or an advertisement, there are classes logo rods from pure graphic logos and other typographical just all depends on the designer's creativity.
Corporation logo
Logo Photoshop Tutorial
To create a logo from scratch requires a lot of research on the logo represent the characteristics of the business, from thinking that what color font to use to contain this logo. Here I have selected tutorials so you can learn to make a logo is the level you have, mostly takes place a logo in vector format, learn how to use the right tools so you can make a professional finish I hope these tutorials will be very useful.
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